1. Drove to Seattle and remembered why we love it so much over there
2. Poked around Southcenter; found Lane Bryant, the home of the world's most perfect plus-size bra
3. Had lunch at the Olive Garden with the fabulous
jenafiori (more on that later...possibly with photos)
4. Enjoyed a waterfront stroll with my husband and my beautiful daughter
5. Attended the "World MBA Tour"; discovered 2 midwest schools that blew the Hawaii schools out of the water, so to speak...(more later)
6. Renewed my desire to get an MBA/HRM (how do we feel about Wisconsin?)
7. Received a lovely and sincere compliment from a panhandler, after I declined to give him money. (He said I was really very pretty. If I had a $20 I'd have given it to him...)
8. Arrived home to find a peacefully sleeping son, and a tired babysitter who once again refused payment
Life was very good today.