Mar 27, 2006 12:35
Now, I know I do not post much, but here goes....
I am seeing all the stuff in the news about the protests over the new immigration laws, not to mention the stuff that goes on in places like California (Driver's Licenses) and frankly I do not get it. Why should someone who is not supposed to be here in the first place be given privledges in this country? Why should my taxes be going to support programs for people who do not belong here in the first place? To me, it is like someone breaking into your house and you feeling obligated to cook them a free dinner since they are already inside. It is a real headshaker.
A lot of the protesting has to do with a new law in the House that would fence off the US-Mexico border and make border crossing a felony. Hey I am all for fencing off the border (esp. considering that is how the majority of the drugs come into this country), but as far as the felony part is concerned, we would still be paying taxes to support these people, but they would be in jail.
I just think it is another example of the double standard that exists in this country where someone like my friend James has to go through the system to keep his legal status (which I am sure can be a pain in the ass sometimes), where as someone in California can just jump the border illegally and not have to deal with it and then the people will protest when they get sent back home. So I guess laws are only applicable to some people, like the ones who want to do things the right way.