Apr 23, 2004 00:46
So, perhaps one of, if not THE greatest mystery of life is simply to discover what it is that you want... I know with me it seems to be quite the enigma.
So much is right in front of me, just waiting on me to grab it, but I always hesitate... I'm never quite sure that it's what I"m looking for. I probably will never be completely sure. Charles Stanley says, "The most I've ever been sure about anything in my life was when I decided to get married...and I was only 75% sure about that." But to be even 75% sure at this point would be an AMAZING thing!
Maybe sometime soon I'll just suck it up and go for it, but for now there's just too much unsurety. The Lord will solidify it when the time is right, I imagine.
That's it for now. Finals start tomorrow...