Feb 12, 2007 12:03
ohhhhhhh my god. I haven't updated in like 17 years. Thought I'd update so I can feel better about my life and not have the same old comments on my My LJ page. I guess I'm just sick of reading Devin's "Have you been reading Slaughterhouse Five?" comment. So you better comment. Right now. Go. Comment.
Ok the actual update. Here I am. Monterey, CA. This place pretty much sucks. Still hate the military. I'm in school here for like 2 years, and I don't even want to be a linguist anymore. Most of me wants to just fail out and leave, but every once in a while I think, maybe I'll just stick it out and learn Chinese. But Chinese is so fucking difficult. Whatever, we'll see. JAMIE WILL BE HERE IN 2 DAYS!!! That's all I really care about right now. Not gonna lie, I'm pretty much in love with her. She's not going for that too much though, but I'll stick with it, and hopefully something good will happen.
Not a whole lot new here though. Just started class last week. Its boring right now, because its just an english grammar refresher for a week. I moved into a new room a couple of weeks ago and I have a really cool roomate. That's a plus. I've done some good quality bonding with some good friends here, and its making things go smoother. I still really miss my old friends at home though. I wish I didn't quit college. Thought I hated it there, but boy was I wrong. I have this feeling that if I leave here, I'll miss this too. Decisions are difficult. I've been pushing through here alright, with my DS and laptop keeping me company. Hopefully things will keep going ok.
Right now, the only thing on my mind is Jamie. Every minute of the day. I know when she comes here, it'll be the happiest time of my life, but I know when she leaves I'll be more depressed than ever. She really is my world and she's keeping me going, whether she knows it or not. I just don't think she understands what makes her so special. I guess its just that feeling she gives me whenever I talk to her. I feel safe and cared for. That's something I strive for and need to keep my life complete. She is amazing.
From what I hear, life back home is pretty hectic and I'm rather glad to not have to deal with that right now. I do wish I could be there for my brothers, though. They are both in rough parts of their lives and there is only so much I can do to help over the phone. Hopefully I'll be able to come home over the summer sometime, and that'll be nice.
That's all for now, gotta get back to class. Go comment now. I want at least 28,000 comments before I post again, so get to work.