So yeah my mom and dad just got back and they bought a ping pong table!!! I said we should celebrate by a little game of beer bong table!!!! hehehehe
Last night i just drove around with seth and jane but they were getting drunk and it was hilarious. We went to safeway again (hella hotties work there) and it was like 200 am and seth was completely wasted. He was peeing and singing at the same time. Then he did that little ayeyiyi cat call. Then he was like ariba!!! Oh we were being soooooooo fucking loud!!! Seth was cracking the stupidest jokes like when we went to wendy's he kept talking about jack in the box. He said "jack in the box never messes up my orders i gotta comend them on that..." COmmend them??? like they just won the fucking war for us! "i mean ill go there at like 3 am just ordering shit in my drunken stupor and they never mess up" Hes so white it cracks me up!! ahahah he was dancing like a fucking weirdo.
Well im gonna show you all some pictures, first one is of my little cousin maya shes so cute! The other one is of me and Michele like 2 or 3 years ago shes the one sitting in the giant clog!
p.s. Fuck pittsburg fucking sucks! Im mad giants lost we were so close i could taste it!