Dec 15, 2007 05:50
But this is just the appetizer of many posts in a row to come!!! OOOOHHHH SNAPS!
For starters...I'll give you this lovely comment I left in response to Megan's post (Thank you Megan)...And now because of your post I will actually post the first time in MONTHS I TELL YOU!
(this is an exact quote from her livejournal that I left)
"FLIPPIN sweet...
A topic I actually feel like typing to (Just so you know this will be my first REAL comment on someones LJ in months)
(Though I always read)
"Happiness" is a huge thing I like to think about and try to analyze.
Happiness is derived from multiple things, success, (money in some peoples eyes), Family, friends, love...ect
It really just boils down to...Are you happy with who you are and what/who you're around...If you know exactly who you are/what you want in life..and who you want around you..It'd be far easier to be happy. Now finding those exact things are the hard part...this is that unhappy time...trial and error...Like dustin every up is a greater or equal down...But eventually one should be able to read a very high high...Course I'm on that Very high high, so i haven't experinced an equal or greater I am bias
I am sourrounded by friends in all walks of life that share common interest in one thing or another...I have several best friends (which I'll touch on later)...I'm in love with an amazing and beautiful woman...Who treats me like I'm a king! I love school, my friends, my family, my future career...So how can I not be happy? I see how bright the future is...and I go for it all...that's what makes me happy
AS for best friends...Example..Kyle and I...I'd die for the kid...plain and simple...we've been best bro's since 6th grade...I might not see him every day or even talk...but we always know where the other stands in relation to our friendship. Best friends grow apart over the years due to exactly what kyle said...That and people do GROW they grow up, mature...and move establish new friends more catered to your current persona...ect...but I still will always be best friends with him...We wont ever lose those times we thus we have that bond.
So its all just about becoming an adult...finding who we are...and being happy with that
As for me...Fucking A+++"