"This could be the very minute, I'm aware I'm alive..."

Apr 16, 2007 07:57

I just want to say...If you are not going to read this based on its length...you should atleast try...it might be worth your time.

Its come to my attention that a heck of a lot of people read this then I thought did...That makes me pretty happy...Its like what I have to say actually matters!

Content is a state of the physical body when the body accepts its current state.

Happiness is a state of the mind...where your body and mind accept their current states...where your mind and body are both at ease and you completely accept how your life is in every respect.

Which are you?
Are you even content?

Too many times we think we are happy with our lives when we really aren't...Why is that?

Well, mainly because we try to confide in others the definition of our own happiness. We try to depend on everyone around us to make us happy...especially a significant other (in this case of the use of significant other I mean the certain someone like a boyfriend/girlfriend....although a significant other is really anyone's opinion you greatly value.)

The main reason for us believing we are happy with our situations in life is because of a special someone we may have in our lives. We depend on that attention, that affection to fool ourselves into being happy. We think that the relationship is amazing and it completes us as a person...that it makes us truly happy. In some respect that is correct...But being truely happy is being able to be happy alone and only then can you be completely happy with someone else. It’s basically being 100% by yourself...then being 150% when you have a special someone.

Of course who am I to judge...no more then a month ago I was exactly the same...Trying to fool myself into feeling like I was happy about my life...feeling like my life was great because I had someone that was "more then just a friend." This was me being...well me at the time...It's something I had done quite a few times before, but this time (With the help of a few friends)...I finally realized it. Then came a month or so of me finally seeing th e glass half full...if you will. Everything has really clicked, and I really feel like I see several things as they really are. As for me...I am about ehh...75-85% happy =)...Still getting there!

The point of this being...We put so much faith and "happiness" into relationships...this including other people as well. It is human nature that interaction with other people brings happiness...but we need to be HAPPY with our own selves, our own lives...Living OUR lives for US! and no one else...Then...and only then are we really happy, and can reflect this upon others. If you aren't happy with how your life is...why is that ?Is it money?...friends...family?...relationships?...How can you change it?...I am a firm believer that we reap what we sow...That we our own keepers and only we can control directly what we do and don't do. Sure unexpected occurrences can occur, my father just two months ago is a direct example of that; However, do we let this stop us from trying for what we want in life?...I don't ever give up if I want something...I don't ever back down...So far that hasn't done me wrong in my future...it has in other instances where that became a bad thing. We control our fates though in my eyes also god does play a role in starting us out with set traits that are to help us on this path...it’s our choice to utilize such things and go where we choose. Though we all could have multiple destinies...it’s only about what we choose to where we will end up.

This brings us back to the question of your happiness...Try to think about your relationship (if you have one) if you don't...or even if you are kind of seeing someone...Try to imagine your life without them...Like you never met them (In some cases I understand this is hard to do)...but would your life be full of happiness without them. Do you think you would be happy with everything if they weren't there? A few people reading this I understand that they are happy in their lives, and their significant other just adds to it...You few are the choir to which I preach...but its still something to think about.

I can name at least 10 people I know are not happy with their lives...Many (most) of these have a significant other...but they aren't truly happy...They would be happier without the person as their boyfriend/girlfriend because they have been trying to live their life trying to please the significant other...they have been putting themselves out there (some asking nothing much in return)...Trying to make everyone around them happy, because they feel like that is how they find happiness. If everyone else is pleased then that means I am too...

This isn't true at all...YOU find what makes YOU happy...and you hold it tight...you use it...you live it...you treasure it...Then you WILL be happy.

For me...my happiness is music, movies, time with friends, long chats online with friends or on the phone...spending quality time with my family...Thanking god for everything I have...Happiness too me is having a bright future with what I have always dreamt of doing...Its being exactly where I want to be in life...because I've worked my ass off and got there...Happy is spending time with my ROTC pals, or fraternity brothers...Happy is being able to talk to my mom about anything and I know it just makes us closer. Happy is seeing my dad home and recovering. Happy is having my family all in the same house. Happy is seeing my sister, and trying to help her if I can. Happy does not have to depend on anyone else...because I am completely happy with myself. Happy is a long session of World of Warcraft. It's a late night movie with a friend, or coffee, or a late night dinner at steak and shake. Happy is knowing that people can come and talk to me because overall I believe I am a good person. Happy is being able to just stop and take a snapshot of your life and think...Yeah...Man...I really am Happy.

I don't mean to sound conceded if that’s what this comes across as...This is purely my opinion and my view on things...people will disagree...and they certainly have every right to. I know I am not ultimately "right" but I am not ultimately "wrong" either. It’s how you view things...and this is my outlook and take on it all...Agree or disagree, just don't personally attack me, you can nitpick my argument. I am certain that I left out some stuff, but it’s just such a mind provoking subject I certainly can't get it all. I certainly don't know the meaning of life or the complete definition to happiness, no one does...It’s just how we see it...and what we want out of it all. I don't mean to try and come across like "my life is sooo much better than yours"...because that’s not the point...I am purely saying in my eyes, I am happy with my life.

Are you happy?

Take care everyone, and thank you for reading...Comments are always welcome =)
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