There's something about oranges that I really need to get off my here it goes...DO NOT read if you get garossed out!
Okay so I've been dieting and whilst I've been dieting, I've been eating a lot of oranges lately and have really been...whats the word I'm looking for...disecting the orange? No...that's not it. Well..I've really been becoming one with the orange, I really know what it looks like, inside and out...and you know what oranges look like when you cut it just once, in half, and begin to peel the skin away? It looks like...wait for it...wait for looks like a frickin vagina, aka vajayjay! How carazy is that??? Do you think it STOPS me from eating the orange? NO WAY! It just taste so good in my mouth. WHOA! Hold the tel-e-PHONE!!!!...TOO FAR! Seriously though...oranges, to me, have to be way more sexy than strawberries...I mean, COME ON!!! They're so good! So yeah, think about that next time you're peeling away at your orange!