You don't call retarded people retards. You call your friends 'retards' when they're acting retarded

Aug 07, 2008 20:49

I've been working so much this Summer that I hardly am able to enjoy it! My weeks usually include me working 6 days...and having only 1 day off. Like in July? I had that 16 day stretch. I was tired, sure, but I'm surprised I wasn't dead by the end of it.

I'm not one to call in sick, when I'm other words....playing hookie. I hate when people do that, so why would I do it? I would be making a hyprocrite of myself, and that's the last thing I want. Okay, so I might be contradicting my 'belief' about that here, but's been sounding so good to just call in sick. I NEVER EVER call in sick when I really am not...I've been at this job for merely 6 years now, and the number of times I called in sick can be counted on 2 hands. Think about it....thats not a lot at all. So it's not like wrong of me to feel like calling in is it? Not to mention...everyone else does it. i know that it doesnt make it right, but still...I think i kinda owe it to myself, in a way. I've even talked with a co-worker/friend about it,and she totally agrees with me. She's not one to call in when she's not sick, either. But since she knew how much I've worked this Summer and especially in July, she thinks I should call in. So the problems with that is 3-fold. 1-if I call in sick...chances are...I'll end up getting sick shortly after...ever heard of Karma? Lol. 2-I hate when fellow co-workers do it, so itd make me a hyprocrite (we've already talked about that) and 3-not that I suck at acting, but I hate acting like I'm sick. you know? and when I really have called in, because I've got an entusiastic voice already, I don't really sound sick. I also don't just call in for being a little sick either. I have to be like really sick to call in. One time I came in and later my boss sent me home because I looked like shit. But yeah, calling in with an upbeat voice sucks, but I can't fake being sick to try and make it sound like I'm dying. Lol. I just don't want them to be like 'She sounded fine, what the hell?' So yeah...that's it...any thoughts on this? Has anyone ever called in when they weren't really sick? Tell me all about it! :D I could use some pointers. OH! Another bad thing (make that FOUR-fold) If I called in on a normal day of 6 hours...I'd lose about 80 dollars. I'm about to go to school, I have semi-high car ins. and a high car payment, I can't really afford it. So maybe I just shouldn't even do it. Heh, the last few days, I've been trying to plot when a good day to call in would be. I don't want to do it on the weekend since its busier. I can't do it when I either open at 5am or close at mid. those are hard shifts to cover. ALso, maybe I could pick a 5 hour day and call in sometime. I dont know. I'm just sorta analyzing all of it.

Enough about work-I just want to make a quick promise...not that I've been totally awol, but I promise to you that I'll comment on your entries. I haven't really had the time to do so. I've kinda picked and chose entries to comment on. I just want you to know that I haven't forgotten about ya. Or that I don't want to read/comment on them. Its just-usually when I'm on LJ, its just for a short period cuz I have to go to work or if its at night, I'm relaxing. prepared to see comments on your entries! :D

Let me tell you about my very stressful Monday. Okay-so I had planned on using my day off to get all of the financial stuff out of the way for school. I already had applied and heard back from the FAFSA people (financial aid). So I was planning on going to the school and take care of all of that. I didn't realize that there were so many other steps that I needed to do firsthand. First-getting a student loan isn't the same as getting a loan for a car. Lol. Which is kinda what I was thinking. I thought that I just had to go to the school, get the total of what I owe for the semester, then go the bank, get the loan, then go BACK to the school and get it all paid for. Yeah, thats not it at all. As you can probably tell, I'm completely new to all of this. I ended up just calling the school instead of driving there first. I talked to someone in the financial office. She should be fired because she was like talking down on me and made me feel completely low and stupid. Um....HELLO! This is my first fucking time!!!! Who do you think you are? So anyways, I went to my sisters place cuz she offered to help. I had to read some THING about loans and such which took about 45 minutes. I had to fill out a bunch of shit online.  My sister helped me soooo much with this and I know she won't ever read this, but I'm so fricking thankful to have a sister like her. Seriously, if I didn't have her for a sister, I would've gave up. Which I was really close to doing. I didn't know just how hard it was going to be beforehand. I just broke down to her. I told her that I don't want to do this anymore..that I can't do this. And, to my suprise, she told me that I should'nt then. But I explained that I have to because everybody is expecting me to go since I've told everyone. I can't back down now. She came back with how I need to do this for myself and not everyone else. which is true, but I've talked about going to college for the last few years and I've never followed through with it, so I need to prove to people that I'm serious about it this time. that I'm not backing out. After we filled out the info they needed online, I needed to 'sign' it eletronically with a pin number, well....I didn't have I had to get one. Not a big deal, but the fact that it didn't process right away, sucked. Cuz when we finally thought it was all set, all of the info we had expired cuz it took to long. So we had to fill it out all over again. Again-I'm thankful I had my sister there, cuz she was filling it out for me (she types faster-lol) So this time when everything was filled out, we tried the pin thing again...didn't work still. I had to check my e-mail to see if they sent it to me and what ended up happening was the internet shut down on us. So this  is when I was like 'fuck it, I'm not suppsed to go to school. I'm done'...I knew that I was still going to go, but I was just so angry and frustrated that its just this annoying to set everything up and shit. My sister made a good point at how if going to college was easy then everyone would go then there wouldn't be anyone to work at jobs like the one I'm at. I never thought of it like that. So after another little break, we decided that we'd just print it out, sign it, then send it in (takes longer-which sucks-but had to do it) sisters printer decided to be an ass and not she went over to her neighbor who's really good with computers and he came over and fixed it. Then we filled out for the fourth time. On a sidenot-it IS possible for your social security to be entered so many times, that it goes into 'auto fill in'. Lol...isn't that horrible? Lol.

Okay-so enough about school. Heh. I'm gonna go back to the subject of work. Just a couple things. 1-I really wanted to strangle this customer the other day. We have a gas station attached to the grocery store and I was working over there on Sunday night. She comes in and was like 'when are you going to lower the gas prices'-just being a complete bitch. So here's the thing. Gas prices-at our store-is always the cheapest around. Just about all the customers that come in tell us that. Gas was 3.56 that day. NOT expensive at all. She went on to say how everyone else is cheaper than us. In my mind I didn't believe her. But I was just like 'Um...I'm sorry, I don't control the gas prices. The owner has been gone for a few days, so maybe he'll lower it when he gets back.' She jsut gave me a really bitchy look! I just wanted to say 'God! You fucking bitch! if gas prices are SOOO effin low every place else...then GO there! We dont' want you here! you effin EFFtard!' I'm sorry, but gas prices everywhere else were higher. She was so full of bullshit! And what? Was she thinking that I'd just be like 'oh really? well let me just change it for ya' GOD! Some people don't deserve to come out of the house let alone, be on this planet! One last thing about work-I had to work at 5am today and when I washed my face I think I got some of my facewash in my eye, because it turned completely red. I couldn't believe it! The part of the eye that protects it, is, I believe its called the cornea. Anyways...I'm not sure how to explain it. but it like bunched up. It kinda  got thick. And when I would look to the corner...thats when it would bunch up. Have you ever got lotion in your eye? Or when you were putting eye make-up on you might've poked your eye? Well it got really irritated. I went to work. kinda hoping thay'd let me go. But that was totally wishful thinking. Lol. Oh well, I bought some really expensive eye drops that seemed to help. Its still a little sore. Anyways, thats about it.

One last thing before I end this entry...does anyone watch 'Last Comic Standing'? Well, I just got really into it the last few episodes. My family has watched it since season one. Well, i just want to say how happy I am at the winner! I don't want to give it away if you haven't watched it yet, but I was completely satisfied...that's what she said. And I think that's a great way to end this entry! Until next time....

school, last comic standing, work

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