The ears have it

Jan 07, 2006 16:12

Over the last year, i have started a new ear cleaning regimen. This process used to consist of sticking a q-tip in my ear to clean out a couple day's work of crud. But my friend Scott once told that your ear cleans itself out and using a q-tip actually pushes all the goop further back into your ear canal. Scott has a PhD, so i trusted this advice as common knowledge among doctorates and the like. And it made sense, too. So for the last year, i have been just putting a cloth into my ear and wiping away anything that is ready to fall out.

Earlier today, i was toweling off from a shower and then proceeded to do my usual ear wipe. But suddenly it seemed like i went deaf in one ear. That simple wipe pushed the last two days' icky ear tar *into* my ear canal. So i kept wiping and wiping and wiping. But no matter how many wipes i did, all sounds coming into my left ear sounded like the low pitched bellows between mating whales. Now, all day, i have been sticking everything i can find as far into my ear as i can to try to get that glob out. Its driving me nuts!

So, i guess the question is, does anyone else really know if its bad to use q-tips?
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