The Bay Bridge was backed up all night, so i didn't end up going to see the Real Kids documentary nor did i watch the Gris Gris play. Instead, i just dorked around with
my guitar and looked at the internet. Honestly, this isn't too far off from my usual Saturday night anyway.
While clicking around from here to there, I came across a video on about this girl with a huge tumor on her face that needed surgery (I would give a link to the video, but uses stupid javascript links that i can't copy+paste.
But here is a photo of Marlie Casseus). My compassionate side got the better of me, so i looked for how to donate money. Unfortunately, CNN only gave a mailing address - which i don't do. So a quick visit to google took me to the International Kids Fund. Then, i started looking at the other kids who needed help and came across
Jenny Loayza. It said in her liner notes that she has emotional trauma from her facial deformation. Then i started thinking... this first girl, Marlie, if she gets that tumor removed, she will still be pretty ugly. But Jenny, she could end up being a really hot chick. So i decided to make my donation to Jenny. Good luck Jenny!