Here, have a bunch of fives, motherjeffer!
Top Five Songs:
1. 'Bad Romance', Lady Gaga.
2. 'Russian Roulette', Rihanna.
3. 'Paparazzi', Lady Gaga.
4. 'The Performance of my Life', Dame Shirley Bassey.
5. 'The Fear', Lily Allen.
Top Five Records:
1. The Fame Monster, Lady Gaga.
2. The Fame, Lady Gaga*.
3. It's Not Me, It's You, Lily Allen.
4. Erm...
5. Mostly I've just been listening to the Wicked OBC, and a lot of Daniel Johnston. I'm bored of being ahead of the zeitgeist. Being ahead of the zeitgeist is so 2008.
* - on a technicality, because this was released in the US last year, and looked a lot sooner than that, so me and my faggy brethren all had this on last year's lists. But I've still listened to it more than any other album released in 2009. Or two thousand and SHITMUSIC, as I never call it, but totally should.
Top Five Films:
This has been a vintage year for children's films.
1. Where the Wild Things Are (which - despite all the deeply patronising things that have been said about it - follows 'child logic' better than any other film I've ever seen, and is not so much about being a child but being a human; odd, how much I relate to a little boy who looks like a girl wearing a suit that's supposed to be a wolf but looks more like a sheep. When we saw this in the cinema, a little girl got up off her seat and danced at the end. And I wanted to join her. Marvellous.)
2. Up.
3. Coraline.
4. Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince.
5. IDK, This is It?
Top One Most Stupidly Boring Peice Of Shit Film That Was Supposed To Be About Swedish Vampires And Be Exciting Because The Book Was But Turned Out To Be Weird-Looking Kids Talking Really Quietly And Shots Of Snow Blowing About For, Like, Twenty Minutes At A Time:
1. Let the Right One In.
Top Five Joint Top One TV Shows:
* 1. Weeds (in drama)
* 1. Battlestar Galactica (in sci-fi)
* 1. Being Human (in, erm, British supernatural)
* 1. Glee (in comedy)
* 1. Skins (in best... whatever Skins is, IDK)
Top One WTF Moment:
1. The Execution of Gary Glitter WTF?!?!?!?
Should I do more? I might do more, let me know.
Cheerio, Michael. xxx