The Divide picspam

Aug 31, 2014 21:08

As usual I'm bringing up the rear on this MB appreciation month, sorry! The Divide is a lovely piece of apocalyptic horror, and is truly not an easy film to watch. Michael Biehn is phenomenal, though, easily (for me) the best acting I've seen from him in some time. He really showed up for this one. For those of you who won't watch MB in a bad guy role, his character, Mickey, starts out looking like the big, bad wolf, and we basically find out there are worse things than him at the end of the world. :)

Quick, dirty picspam ahead, and, yes, there be spoilers here and possible triggers, too (blood, torture, helplessness).

I have no idea how MB manages to be creeping up on 60 and he still looks crazy fit.

He rocks some crazy hair, too!

Unfortunately, the actors all dieted like mad to mimic the starvation that would come after the apocalypse, and through the film everybody just starts getting really emaciated.

BTW, if you're one of the fen who enjoys H/c and manhandling, then this film is for you, because MB spends more than half the film helpless and roughed up.

It's 100 different kinds of wrong but I actually enjoyed the whole belt-as-a-collar look on him. *twirls evil moustache*

As much as I enjoyed watching the manhandling, this scene where Mickey is finally alone and doesn't need his brave facade caught me off guard and made me ugly cry. MB was SO good in this.

Mickey is a complicated character, but he's essentially a good guy, and when everybody else is running from the proverbial fire, he's the one who's running toward it. Mickey is an ex-firefighter, after all.

Sometimes the fire isn't proverbial, though.

This is not relevant to the film, but is dude gonna have that bubble butt when he's 80? Survey says Yesss (with a fistpump).

One of the last scenes in the film. Yeah, I know, a Biehn character who doesn't die on film!

It's kind of hard to say, 'Go enjoy this psychologically harrowing and physically brutal feature!', but maybe a tub of butter popcorn will make things easier to watch. :)

c: biehn month, : divide, images: screen caps

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