Nov 22, 2004 04:06
work at the new place is tough. 6pm-2am is killer. i was supposed to work eight days in a row but i cried like a baby and i have today off. today being monday, because when you work the night shift, your perception of the days becomes magically skewed, and i'm sure i've said something almost exactly like that in my livejournal when i worked the night shift at home depot. i waited for the bus today at 3:30am on 11th street in soma, and i saw a homeless man riding a bike with the front tire wedged into one of those flatcarts from best buy you use to wheel tv's around. he gave me the thumbs up and screamed at me, and i smiled and gripped my knife tighter. hahahaha
to celebrate my first night off in a week, katharine and i will be attending the jon spencer blues explosion/the gossip show at slims. join us for sweaty drunken dancing, please.