Jun 07, 2011 12:44
And so my day is well underway. I got up late this morning, and headed to
the Y. I swam my half mile in about half an hour, which is faster than I
thought I was. I was told that an elliptical machine, a treadmill, and an
exercise bike all have Braille on them, so I will start figuring out how
they work so I can add to my exercise regimen.
It was very hot yesterday, and is very hot today. It is
supposed to reach 100,, so for the most part, I'm staying inside. Patti and
I bought Twins tickets for a game next week. My brother is coming into town,
and I wanted to go with him to the new (as of last year,) stadium which was
built for the team. The Twins are not doing well, and I really don't care
for baseball much, but I'm excited to hang out with my brother, and to see
the new digs. It's an outdoor stadium: something we haven't had for at least
30 years.
As I've written before, I have things to do, and no motivation to do them
with. Not sure how to find the motivation, but I'll figure it out
eventually. I have a strange ability to put things off, and then get them
done in time to finish whatever needs doing, and to still do whatever the
task was well.
That's about it for now. I need a shower. I prefer to shower at home after
I swim. That way, I don't have to carry around all of the accoutrements
needed to clean oneself decently. I should probably change this behavior,
as the result is that the chlorine dries in my hair, and I suspect it's
harder to wash out than it would be if I rinsed off after swimming. Oh well.