Oct 06, 2004 21:47
"There was nothing wrong with it... until I was about 12 years old and that no-talent ass clown became famous and started winning Grammys. No way. Why should I change? He's the one who sucks."
Awww... Well that just put a big smile on my face. It's 3rd period, you see, and I'm settlin' in waiting for the day to just end. I'm just thinking about lunch and how "cool" my meal is today. "Ham, mayonnaise, salt, pepper, bread, bag of chips, sunny delight..." I mumbled to myself as I was trying to decipher my Shakespeare work packet thing. Then my companion, David Thomason, leans over and spills me the big news... BBQ. Ampitheatre. FREE! I was all like "yeaaaah boooiiyy" forget my generic ham sandwich meal, I'm getting BBQ food. That was very nice of whoever put that whole BBQ on. Free food for the senior class, and the food wasn't that bad either. mmmm. Thank you BBQ people for spicing up my lunch.
Speaking of food, I'm expecting some delicious entrees at school soon. mmmm. Some lime thing, which I really want right now, and some yum yum brownies. Ohhhhh and I'm having the greatest lunch known to well... the world. Quiznos. Chicken Carbonara. Period. Food keeps me out of trouble. I love you food.
Cause she watchin' him with those eyes... You know I wish I had Jesses Girl... Concerning my previous entry, I will answer my little "name that song" riddle that I made, if you were curious. It's Jesse's Girl by Rick Springfield... ahaha didn't see that coming did you? Where can I find a woman like that? Ask Brian Russell. Why don't you try and guess this lyric for shits and giggles? "Today is the greatest day I've ever known"