Emile Locque arrives at Hector Gonzalves’ villa, to pay him for killing Melina Havelock’s parents.
He coldly observes the proceedings, apparently uninterested in all the beautiful women surrounding him.
Seeing Gonzalves killed by Melina Havelock, he motions to his sidekick to take no action. Then brazenly retrieves
the money.
His sidekick even snatches a wad of notes Gonzalves had given one of the girls.
Q shows Bond the worst computer identification system ever.
Despite its apparent inadequacies, it nevertheless coughs up an answer, correctly identifying Emile Leopold
Locque as the paymaster by the pool.
In Cortina, Locque watches as Bond discusses him with Kristatos, who, unknown to Bond and the audience, is
Locque’s employer.
Locque continues stalking Bond around the mountainside, directing his henchmen to get into position.
Locque continues stalking Bond around the mountainside, following him onto the ski-lift.
The crowds are getting in the way, but Bond is boxed in.
Here we see the dove insignia which Locque is using, to implicate Kristatos’ rival, Milos Columbo.
Locque lets Bond know he is armed.
Bond has to take evasive action, on skis.
While Bond is being kept busy at the ice rink, Locque kills Bond’s contact, Ferrara, who is waiting outside, again
pointing the finger at Columbo, this time by leaving a distinctive dove pin on the victim.
Locque trails Bond to a beach villa, where he is having a romantic interlude with Columbo’s mistress,
Countess Lisl (Cassandra Harris).
Bond tries to protect Lisl.
But they get separated, and Locque runs the Countess down, with obvious enjoyment.
He has Bond at gunpoint.
But Locque is distracted by his henchman getting shot in the back by Columbo’s men, and Bond takes the
opportunity to kick his gun away. Locque beats a retreat.
To prove it is Kristatos who is the real villain, Columbo takes Bond, and some of his men, to a warehouse where
Locque is overseeing the arrival of a consignment of heroin.
Locque is quick to sense trouble.
He sets about causing some of his own.
He sets a charge …
… retreats to a safe distance …
… blows up the warehouse, and escapes.
Locque drives away up a winding mountain road, and Bond gives chase on foot, using short-cuts to keep up.
He shoots Locque in the shoulder, and Locque’s car veers off the road.
Locque can see how close he is to the edge of the cliff.
He reaches towards Bond, for help.
Bond throws him the pin he left on Ferrara’s body. Locque catches it.
Locque realises he will be getting no quarter from Bond, who kicks Locque’s car.
Locque’s car goes over the cliff edge, and we hear his voice for the first time, when he screams.