10:00 08.11.2014
Магический алфавит
Ancient & Magickal... Магический алфавит
Ancient & Magickal Alphabets
Celestial Alphabet/Angelic Script, Malachim, and Passing the River were made up by 16th century German alchemist/astrologer/lawyer/magician/occultist/soldier/theologist
Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa. Theban was created by 15th century German cryptographer/historian/lexicographer/occultist/theologian
Johannes Trithemius, one of Agrippa’s teachers. The Alphabet of the Magi was created by 16th century Swiss German alchemist/astrologer/botanist/occultist/physician/toxicologist Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim (aka
Paracelsus), another of Trithemius’s students, who rejected Agrippa’s magical theories.
Those, and the two Tolkien made, are entirely fictional and are good to use in most any context. All the others are real alphabets from real cultures - some still used today - so be VERY aware of and careful with them.
More writing systems can be found at
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