Sep 01, 2004 21:57
I cant help but to be extremely pissed of at all the fucking people (friend or foe, gotta be honest to the hundred percent) who get "hurt" by someone they "love" on I-R-fucking C. Listen to the Badguy... STOP DOING ALL THAT DUMB SHIT! No doubt, I see people how get all fucking dramatic because of this Channel Love bullshit.
I would rather slit my own belly open then get fucked around with this emotional shit. Its not possible to honestly fall in fucking love with someone you talk on the phone or chat with.
Even when some of my friends get caught up in this, Its STUPID. TO THE FUCKING MAX. I don't scene because I am looking for an emotional attachment, I scene because I like to... So I sit here and roll my fucking eyes at you people.
Thats it.. its not fucking E=Mc2.