I'm bored today - have tons of work but no ambition to do it. Help me be totally irresponsible and ditch my work to live in LiveJournal land this afternoon.
Hate - it is unproductive - and in the end takes away from the person doing the hating while empowering the one being hated.
Cruelty - I do not understand how someone can derive pleasure from inflicting pain (not physical, like in an S&M scene, but emotional) on another person.
Waste - whether it's putting your recycling in the regular trash, leaving 1/2 the food on your plate, leaving the heat set at 72 and having windows open, there are lots of kinds of waste, and with the world at a point where our resources are finite, I find it really sad when we add to landfills and greenhouse emissions for no good purpose.
Have I ever been unphotogenic? I've ALWAYS been unphotogenic.
This is, to me, a weird question. I feel like should go and get my resume and cut and paste something from "accomplishments". Proud. Usually, when I use the word, I refer to other people. I am proud to know a lot of the people on my friends list. I'm proud of my sister for how she's taken charge of her life and the integrity with which she has been raising her children. I'll think on this and get back to you, if that's OK.
No worries. It's not meant to be a task or difficult.
Your question made me reflect and I thought about how sometimes I get too busy with things outside of myself and fail to take care of the inside. Humble is nice, but not we don't give ourselves credit when due. This is not to imply that you're doing such, but if you are, perhaps this could be a fruitful endeavor.
My autobiographymichael_arnoldApril 22 2005, 21:32:03 UTC
At the moment, my autobiography is really just things and stuff about this life and what I remember from previous lives, plus stuff I knew instinctively about people who have crossed my path, with a smattering of porn thrown in for good measure. The books all have black and white marble finish covers, and each bears the same title, COMPOSITION. It could end up as that, or it could just end up as THINGS N STUFF. Not sure.
Right now, J. Michael Straczynski, the guy that thought up Babylon 5 is number 1 on my watch for list. He kicks ass, and if he's writing it - I'm going to tune in and see what's up. I'm also finally warming up to Brian Michael Bendis and what he's done (while I wasn't watching). Claremont has always been a good steward where the X-Men are concerned, and while I am not really grasping what he's trying to do right now, I respect his work, so I'll read. I also like Matt Wagner, as a writer and an artist. I like some of the stuff John Byrne has written, but I am incredibly bored with his pencils. There are a few more out there also, but then, I've been reading comics for over 30 years.
ok... drawing a total blank on J. Michael Straczynski what is he writing now? The name is SO familiar but can't remember what he's doing.
Right now I'm liking anything Geoff Johns is putting out (loving Flash and JSA) and really enjoy Mark Waid and Peter David too... altho the jury is still out on his return to Hulk for me. Oh, and Gail Simone... love her. A chick who totally loves her comics and characters, very cool :)
John Byrne... I *SO* don't want to like what he writes as he is such a pompous asshole, but as much as I hate to admit it, he has put out some good stuff (I think I am the only one who liked his run on wonder woman). However, lately his soap-opera style of writing is starting to wear a bit thin (grrrr... doom patrol).
It's pretty clear you lean much more toward Marvel over DC, whereas I'm a DC fan with a smattering of Marvel. So another question for ya... any reason why Marvel grabs ya over DC?
Strazcynski: Amazing Spiderman, Squadron Supreme, Rising Stars (for Top Cow) and Midnight Nation (for Top Cow) - about to take on the Fantastic Four.
I'll admit that Marvel gets about twice as much of my money as DC does. Some of the reason is simple legacy issues. I've been reading X-Men and Avengers for too many years, and they keep prolificly adding titles to their pantheons. I read the DC titles also, more of the JLA, Titans and Legion centric ones than others... but while I read a couple of SpiderMan titles every month, I rarely buy the Superman or Batman titles (except, oddly enough, Superman/Batman). I've only recently started to read the JSA also.
Actually though, some of my favorite comics have been from smaller publishers. Top Cow, Image, Comico, First and Dark Horse have all produced some excellent titles over the years, although they haven't had the market penetration that the big two have had, they are still fun reads.
Comments 53
2. Have you ever been unphotogenic?
Hate - it is unproductive - and in the end takes away from the person doing the hating while empowering the one being hated.
Cruelty - I do not understand how someone can derive pleasure from inflicting pain (not physical, like in an S&M scene, but emotional) on another person.
Waste - whether it's putting your recycling in the regular trash, leaving 1/2 the food on your plate, leaving the heat set at 72 and having windows open, there are lots of kinds of waste, and with the world at a point where our resources are finite, I find it really sad when we add to landfills and greenhouse emissions for no good purpose.
Have I ever been unphotogenic? I've ALWAYS been unphotogenic.
I have dozens of pictures to prove otherwise. :P
(BTW - love the new wallpaper - thanks for the bonus gift - I'm now hooked!)
( ... )
Your question made me reflect and I thought about how sometimes I get too busy with things outside of myself and fail to take care of the inside. Humble is nice, but not we don't give ourselves credit when due. This is not to imply that you're doing such, but if you are, perhaps this could be a fruitful endeavor.
Be well.
I have a few faves myself but am curious if you do...
Right now I'm liking anything Geoff Johns is putting out (loving Flash and JSA) and really enjoy Mark Waid and Peter David too... altho the jury is still out on his return to Hulk for me. Oh, and Gail Simone... love her. A chick who totally loves her comics and characters, very cool :)
John Byrne... I *SO* don't want to like what he writes as he is such a pompous asshole, but as much as I hate to admit it, he has put out some good stuff (I think I am the only one who liked his run on wonder woman). However, lately his soap-opera style of writing is starting to wear a bit thin (grrrr... doom patrol).
It's pretty clear you lean much more toward Marvel over DC, whereas I'm a DC fan with a smattering of Marvel. So another question for ya... any reason why Marvel grabs ya over DC?
I'll admit that Marvel gets about twice as much of my money as DC does. Some of the reason is simple legacy issues. I've been reading X-Men and Avengers for too many years, and they keep prolificly adding titles to their pantheons. I read the DC titles also, more of the JLA, Titans and Legion centric ones than others... but while I read a couple of SpiderMan titles every month, I rarely buy the Superman or Batman titles (except, oddly enough, Superman/Batman). I've only recently started to read the JSA also.
Actually though, some of my favorite comics have been from smaller publishers. Top Cow, Image, Comico, First and Dark Horse have all produced some excellent titles over the years, although they haven't had the market penetration that the big two have had, they are still fun reads.
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