Feb 07, 2005 20:07
I went to a psychic workshop today. I thought it was very interesting.
We started off talking about the different psychic forms: ESP (Seeing, hearing the dead, seeing the future), Telekinesis (moving objects with energy), and a whole bunch of other stuff. The main subjects we talked about were channeling, communication, and Telekinesis.
First off was in introduction by the speakers and the other psychics. Then talked about what we would be going over.
We started talking about channellign and communication, and their various forms. Mediums, Pendulum, Automatic Writing, Ouija, Table Turning. Very interesting theory's there. It's weird how most contact and channeling form all comes down to energy. Every thing is composed of some sort of energy. And when we die we have a soul/spirit/life form. But we all use energy. Such as table turning. It's VERY fascinating, we got to witness life footage from table turning. Everyone places their hands on top of a table. You all mediate, make some form of contact with the other side. Then allow them to channel energy through you, to be able to lift the table! It's crazy!
Another guy that talked was a telekinetic. He moved sever object just by holding has hand over them. It's all bout mind over matter, tapping into chi energy (if you've taken tai chi you'll know what chi energy is), and letting the energy explode. I'm going to another one next month. It's so awesome!