Jan 20, 2005 22:08
About a week ago, the Supreme Court upheld a Florida law banning adoptions by gay people based on sexual orientation alone. They didn't even hear the case, allowing a lower-court ruling to stand. This is a disappointing setback after the progress the Court seemed to be making a few months ago.
Nevermind that there is absolutely ZERO evidence that gays aren't suited to be adoptive parents, or the fact that children will do better if they're adopted than they would in most foster homes. The Court's (dubious) legal principle appears to be "you can't prohibit gays from having sex behind closed doors anymore, but you can discriminate against them for any irrational reason you can come up with."
About the only good thing that can be said is that the Court didn't actually issue an opinion that would have been an even greater setback for equal rights. It's always possible they might come back to the issue, and issue a ruling that actually makes sense.
It looks like progress through the courts is going to come through baby steps... if at all.