So I should be doing my calculus homework right now. UGH NO. I dun' wanna. And of course he gave us two assignments due this Friday, for some reason.
I did some things this week. Wait while I try to remember what they were...
Well my new laptop is now sitting at home, waiting for me! I'm going home Friday afternoon and staying the weekend to transfer and install everything that needs doing so. I'm very excited to welcome it into the family - I wonder what its name will be. It's my little powerhouse. <3
Guys... There are intestines in my intestines. ;.; I went out to eat with Dilong and his roommate a couple nights ago, and he took us to a restaurant in Chinatown. I told Dilong to order whatever he felt like subjecting me to, and after he did so in Chinese, up came a round of platters: first something that tasted like chicken and yet was springy and almost fishy (frog), then an unidentifiable plant (kinda seaweed-y), then something red that looked like pork. Up to that, everything was good, but the red strips made my stomach and tastebuds twist. While I was munching on my third piece of it, Dilong saw fit to inform me that it was fried pig intestines. Very hard to swallow it after hearing that.
Of course there was rice (my safe haven, the one thing I knew was "okay") and I drank tea for the first time. I liked the plant stuff a lot, but the syrup or whatever it was drizzled with became too much. And then dessert was like milky coconut tapioca or something. Wayyyy too sweet. In fact, everything was too sweet and sugary. I could just stomach a spoonful at a time, yet Dilong basically just tipped the bowl's contents into his mouth in one go. Oh, and I had to spit out the bones in the frog - and these were no minor bones. Entire feet and spines and such. Can you imagine pulling a tiny ribcage from your mouth?
But Dilong played the host very well, serving everyone before himself as tradition dictates, and using his chopsticks to put food on my plate when I could not handle my own. I was determined to master them, though, despite the fact that I was losing about a sixth of my rice to the tablecloth. The waiter eventually came over with a fork, but I refused to use it (probably to his chagrin).
But I love Chinese. I used to hate it...just because, really. But after playing the Asian Dynasties expansion pack for Age of Empires III, and always playing the Chinese, I've grown very fond of their language and history. Doesn't sound better than German, but then, it sounds so entirely different that the two can't be compared.
And on that note,