Oct 07, 2020 23:45

Just so you know, I'm the maintainer of the Arashi Fansub community, fanrashi . I don't know what you can call this LJ but it's where I make my stupid-ness and lame-ness known to all. Anyone who is reading this blog MUST comment of else, I'll kill you :) just joking haha

credit to whoever that made it, you can see the name there
I'm part of the Arashi fandom since 2008. My ichiban is most definitely JUN, cause you know.. He's an idiot who keeps wearing red checkered shirts during the end of the year and keeps changing hairstyle every month or so and a really really nice person who doesn't seem to look like one and cause he is just cute.

And by the way, if you are looking for any videos, there aren't any here. But it you want, I can make a project list for you to get updates.. even if I won't possibly update it.

This isn't an Arashi-centric blog! And does not look like one! I swear! yeah right xD

the first thing you see

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