the worst day. warning...a lot of complaining

Mar 23, 2005 08:14

Last night pretty much sucked. So last night after dinner, and brushed my teeth, and went to spit it out, and a ton of fucking blood came pouring out of my throat. So I run to find my mom and tell her and she freaks out and yell for Anthony and he brought a flashlight and it looked like it was pouring out of my throat, so we went downstairs in to the emergency room because my gay ass doctor couldn't do anything about it because "He wasn't trained for that" whatever ass wipe.

I go into the ER and the nurse didn't even look at my throat, by now the blood wasn't pouring but it was still gross. So I had to wait in the waiting room for 2 freakin hours the whole time blood coming out, I'm pale, I'm shaking and sooo scared. Not too mention, Im crying my eyes out. So we keep telling the lady and she's like "you're fine" so when I'm finally called, my doctor is fucking retarded.

He didn't come that close to me, and was so jumpy. And when he finally gets close and looks he's like "eww thats gross". Well, no freakin shit. So he's like "theres alot of dried blood and fresh blood so you need to rinse your mouth out" So I'm like "Okay" and he's like "use the coke" and I'm like "What?! Coke, No way." and I was pissed, cause what doctor would even say that?!" So he's like "uh...water, let me find a cup" so he brought me a freakin pee test cup thing. ugh. So I filled it with water and rinsed. And god, more blood. So anyways, he looks and says he can't figure it out and it could probably be my nose, internal bleeding or coming from my freakin lungs, so I freaked out. So he orders an xray so I went to do that, and the lady came up behind me and undid my bra and pulled it off and out of my shirt in like 5 seconds, and when she was done I was like "what the hell?" and she goes "I do that alot" yeah xrays.

Go back to my room, and I realized, when I drain my nose into my throat, blood comes out. So I kept doing it til the crap turned yellow with no blood. So I think positive. And he then checked my nose again and said I was full of it pretty much, so he checked my sinus cavities and sure enough I was right.

So he canceled the blood test, and prescribed me antibiotics. And I was sooo happy.

He said I have to be careful and take it all or it could go to my brain. And he also said "Im pretty positive its only an infection not your lungs or internal bleeding, only time will tell, and don't do anything that will make you sicker."

Is sicker even a word?

So while I was there, he was lecturing on my second hole piercing. He goes, "I don't think that your piercing is healing right. It looks lop-sided." and I was like "Are you a professional body piercer?" "no." "so what do you know about piercings?" "absolutley nothing." "thats what I thought. So don't lecture me on my piercing and find out what the hell is going on in my body."

Yeah, I'm rude to doctors, my mom doesn't care. She just watches. Hahaha.

Sorry that was a whole lot of complaining. On the better news... I get out of the hospital today and I'm coming back home. Then tomorrow I'm going to the movies with Emily. YEAH! hahahaha bye guys

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