Nov 01, 2007 09:35
which I sort of was in the last post, does anyone know why CSI:LV didn't come on last week? 'Cause according to the schedule it should have, but it didn't show up anywhere. *pouts*
And also speaking of CSI, though the NY edition this time, does anyone know of any fic that features Danny and doesn't suck swamp water -- or, hell, any gen fic with the whole team that doesn't suck swamp water -- and can they tell me where to find it? Not that I've noticed that my flist has much interest in this show, nor CSI in general for that matter, but I figured wtf, it can't hurt to ask. Especially since I tried to read some slash last night that was Mac/Danny -- which, okay, I'm not sure I see in the show, but I like the idea of anyway ;) -- and it was truly frightening, to the point I'm hesitant about reading any more at all.
But then CSI as a fandom has always been a little strange, never attracting anywhere near the amount of fen that the ratings would seem to suggest it should have, and having such a large ratio of the thirteen-year-old-ish and then he got mad, because they hurt his feelings, and he cried, but then he went out with this girl, who had silver-purple eyes and was a genius, and had been totally abused as a child, but who was the most wonderful thing ever, and he saw all of that in her, and they made love school of writers vs, you know, someone who can actually write without making you cringe. Not that there haven't been great CSI writers -- and some just okay ones as well --- but they tend to be outnumbered, so I'd appreciate any help in cutting through the dross. ;) Though, potentially, there could just be more dross underneath, but I can always dream. *snicker*