Oct 08, 2008 16:31
Arrived in Washington.
Mama had her pacemaker (well, ICD, which is both a pacemaker and a defibrillator, but we'll call it a pacemaker for simplicity's sake) put in, is feeling much better, and is due to go home tomorrow. Of course, she was due to go home Friday, and hurr hurr flatline desu (this icon may be a little crass given this).
Pacemaker installation is really...wow. It sounds normal at first. They make an incision under the skin, run the wiring down further to the heart, create a pocket for the pacemaker.
And then they screw the wires into the heart muscle. what.
Amazingly, only 1 in every 5,000 cases suffer a punctured heart. There's more risk of a punctured lung. That scared me a little.
Anyway. I am alive. 6 hours on a plane is fail. I'm still tired. But i are livings.
the mother saga,
lol tasteless icons