Sep 23, 2006 22:45
ok so i got up at 8:00 this morning .. turns out i wasn`t riding the train, but was going by car... hitori(by myself) ...with some other rotarian driving. long way. i read phantom of the opera (it`s just now starting to get good. the begining is slow. XP )
anywho we arrived and we chatted with the other rotexes and ryugakusei(sp?)... (oh and we at some place on Otsu(?) ...called... SunShine beach??)
we all sat in a circle and ate lunch (some bought bento boxed lunches) .. i almost choked on fish bones again. XP but i love cooked sakana(sp?) . we all introduced ourselves again.... blah blah.... chatted with others until 1pm when the games started. we played tag.. sorta.. like.. thieves and robbers. (police and theifs or something...) and then we had teams to play soccer. (i scored one goal!)
i chatted with the 2 guys from America most of the time. The the guy from Sweden was super quiet(shizuka) and the other girl from America always looks so uncomfortable and unhappy to be in japan. (when i first talked to her she said Japan wasn`t her first choice.. she wanted some european country i think....) she`s learning.. but she doesn`t talk to alot of people and it pisses me off she seems so.. like "this place is so stupid i don`t know why i got this country. "very apathetic attitude if you ask me. then again.. she seems to enjoy some things. : /
the girls from france are nice <3 and one of the ROTEXes was particularly hot. i contemplating secrety getting his picture or somehow aquiring his ketai denwa info... but that never happened. XD
**i believe i know all the hiragana now.. im just very slow i reading it and writitng... but i know it when i see the character... writing it by myself sometimes i forget... **
randomly (i have no idea what made them think this) one of the ROTEXes asked if i liked manga.. and I said i did. and then i told them my older sister was a manga ka and she draws and writes them.. which was why i liked manga and draw it too. (all in sinple japanese.. they asked questions.. i answered best to my ability.) they thought it was cool. ("sugoi!")
maybe i just give off the vibe of some anime lover? XD or maybe it was the way i was dressed. jeans with pink shirt wearing a black safety pinned -sleeves on) hoodie jacket.. my nintendo chain wallet and my velvet pouch with my ketai in it. XD. my hair in pigtails. one of the mexicans said i had a punk image... and i told em i liked victorian fashion.)
anywho for some reason they gave out prizes to 4 people after everything was over. for some reason i was one of those people. i got to choose between 2 gifts (which were wrapped so i didn`t know wha they were.) turns out mine was some super mario bros... like.. pin thing? (a plastic frame with holes and you put colored pins in it to make an image. .... think the lite n brite toy.) the other girl got some tetris mini game thing. (which i seriously thought about trading with her because it would give me something to do during class.. XD.)
i swapped ketai emails with a few exchange students and ROTEXes and then headed home.back in the car.
we made a quick stop at the rotarians work. some other rotarian gave me a tin of expensive-looking german cookies and a tshirt from the workplace. (some car place... so it says mercedes on it.. and it`s butt ugly. (white and gray and some ugly blue colored stripe?) and it`s like a sports shirt... :/
anywho fun day. tomorrow sunday i may go exploring again... dunno. monday night is gackt on tv yay.
EDIT: the cooking teacher has taken on the responsibility of letting me be her assistant and so i am like a second teacher. she wanted me to interact with more classes and talk to more people so i can make friends. this friday i got to skip gym (WOOHOO) and help out with class 2-2.