this is what i looked like on valentines day. with my giant basket full of cookies. i over did the makeup...but i like wearing dramatic makeup anyways... XD ((PS -turns out soccer captain guy HAS a girlfriend.... they always do. : / ))
i hate my legs. my knees look UGLY.... DX
we are soooo talented.
my face. lol. i don't know why my bangs are insane.
gyudon is my second favorite food. the first is cream taiyaki. <3 i dumped a ton of ginger root on this meal.
He wasn't my ski instructor but me and Maki thought he was hot and wanted a picture. Maki took the picture for me. XDDDD
my ski group. : D
I just really like this picture of the 3 of us.
birthday cake. YAY.
me and mario are pals you know. ((i wear such weird things in public.))
pikachu and me are pals too.
something going on in town. i didn't get it. but my host mom was like "TAKE PICTURES!"
Yuki and Yurina <3
This guy on the right was so hot. He was in the kobe Vivre. XD
favorite picture that i took during the ski trip: