Ok, I got these interests to explain, here we go:
ame_musashi, AND
half_elven3. Nyar (What does that mean, anyway?)
5. Where did Nyar come from? O_o;
1. Nyar (whatever that is?)
NYAR is a word that originated as a typo of yahoo, made by
amandatello in chat, although I have also heard it is the catchphrase of a character in poison elves, which is an aussie series, so maybe somehow it entered tello-nyar's subconscious and came out as a typo in chat ;)
Nyar is a word that my friends and I have adopted and perpetuated. It can mean relatively anything, depending on the inflection. It is a catch-all word to use when you agree, but don't have anything to add. It also is a substitution swear word at times.
But, as time has gone by, we have come up with a few acronyms for it :)
1. Nice Young Amanda Rae/Ray (since both
amandatello and
mandy_nyar are Mandy Rae/Rays)
2. Not Your Average Ratboy (referencing Splintykins)
and my fave:
3. Now Your Ass is Raphael's ;D
amandatello reminded me, N.Y.A.R. Also means "New York's Armed Reptiles", and then I remembered "Not Your Average Reptile" ;) Thanks tello-nyar!
I think that's most of the acronyms...
amandatello? Am I missing any of them? Or anything about nyar you wanna add?
greenwillow27 AND
jem00000004. asperger's syndrome
2. Asperger's syndrome
Asperger's syndrome is something I was diagnosed with in my early 20s. It basically is a high-functioning form of autism. That means I have all the social problems of autism, but not the learning disability of it. Basically, it means is that I don't have very good social skills. I have to struggle and make a conscious effort to interpret people's facial expressions and body language. I also sometimes do and say things that are socially inappropriate for the situation without even knowing it. (I like to say that I lack "social common sense")
My problem is that I have a very high IQ, and so I've been able to "compensate" my whole life, so people don't give me the same consideration that they would give a normal autistic person when I make a mistake. My girlfriend,
Soliloquy says it's hard a lot of times because I act so normal that she forgets that I have aspergers. Not that I regret that. If it wasn't for the single-mindedness that asperger's provides, I'd probably be bored silly with my job, and I know I'd have never made it this far in the world if I didn't have the intelligence that I have.
All I ask of people is to PLEASE tell me when they are mad at me. Don't assume I know because no matter how clear you've made it, unless you've said "I AM MAD AT YOU", I will not understand. This is not me being stubborn, difficult, or manipulative. This is my disorder. My brain is wired a little different than everyone else's, that's all. Please bear with me! ;D Thanks!
I will do more (maybe all of the rest?) in an upcoming entry.