Wow, it's been awhile since I've been here. Too many things going on and I just don't have time to hang out on LJ that much but I did have something I felt compelled to post. I consider myself to be a pretty humble person. I don't demand attention from others nor do I deem it necessary but I do know a few people who seem to always bring the conversation back to themselves no matter how it started out and who seem unable to make it in the world without others flattering comments that somehow seem to prove their worth. And with that said, I have a very hard time doing anything that I think is "self-pimping" as it seems to scream "LOOK AT ME" but on the other hand I do have accomplishments I am proud of and would like to share with others who might also be proud of me. So, after a talk with my daughter (who I trust to tell me the harsh truth and believe me, she does) I am posting the very first article ever done about my writing. I didn't even know the article was being written until after it was already posted but it made me extremely proud and for some of you who know I have wanted to be a writer ever since I can remember....well, guess what? I finally am. :) on the above link for article.
Oh, and the answer to my posted question, I believe, is yes.