Title: Purple
Pairings: Yoosu, Yunjae, Minfood
Length: One-shot
Genre: Fluff
Rating: PG-13?
Summary: Junsu wonders why Yoochun chose to wear purple for Xiahtic.
Junsu closed his eyes and enjoyed the chance to finally lie back-flat on the cool dance floor. The air conditioner was on in the dance studio, but all that practicing had caused a lot of sweating.
Yoochun turned to lie on his side and angled his arm so that he could rest his head on his fist, but still be able to look down at Junsu’s closed opened eyes.
“What are you thinking?” Junsu murmured.
Yoochun showed off his greasy smile and answered, “Just thinking about what Yunho told me before they left.”
“Really? I was thinking about what Jaejoong told me before they left.”
“We’re going to stay to practice for Xiahtic,” Junsu informed the staff. Everyone nodded and prepared to leave.
Jaejoong dumped his bag and pig/pink neck pillow into Changmin’s arms and pulled Junsu to a corner. Seeing this, Yunho also left his bag to the magnae’s guard and tugged Yoochun to another corner of the room.
“What is it?” Junsu and Yoochun asked their individual whisperers.
Jaejoong told Junsu, “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” He winked and flashed a mischievous smile.
Meanwhile, Yunho pointed out Jaejoong’s creepy smile (from the other corner) to Yoochun and whispered, “Don’t do anything Jaejoong would do.”
Changmin stood at the door with half of his face covered by a stack of Jaejoong and Yunho’s belongings.
“Are you done whispering? I have something to say to the both of them too!” he exclaimed. “And I don’t need to whisper. All I need to say is that you two should go buy something to eat before you two head home tonight. There’s no such thing as leftovers in the Dong Bang Goong.”
“Stop being snarky,” Jaejoong smacked the back of his head and they started to follow their manager out to the van. Jaejoong continued to lecture, Changmin continued to roll his eyes, Yunho just shook his head and sighed.
Junsu and Yoochun were left to stand at opposite corners of the studio, wondering what Jaejoong/Yunho had whispered to the other.
“Interesting,” Junsu giggled.
“I don’t think Changmin would ever ‘stop being snarky’,” Yoochun pointed out, showering in the sound of Junsu’s laugh.
Starting to feel the sore in his arm, Yoochun turned so that he, too, lied flat on his back next to Junsu in the dance studio.
“So…” Junsu sang.
“Can we just sleep here?” Yoochun sighed relaxingly as he closed his eyes.
“Is ‘sleeping’ one of the things that Jaejoong would or wouldn’t do?”
Yoochun chuckled, eyes still closed. “Good question.”
“I have another good question,” Junsu turned his head to look at Yoochun.
“No, a pig cannot fly, Junsu,” Yoochun teased in a lazy tone.
“A pig can fly if Changmin becomes strong enough to throw you across a room. You know he wants to. And that’s not my question!”
Yoochun laughed. Then he asked, “What’s your other good question?”
“Why purple?”
Yoochun’s eyes opened and he stared up at the ceiling. When he didn’t answer, Junsu pressured, “Come on, tell me.”
“I could tell you,” Yoochun paused, turning his head to smile at Junsu. “Or I could show you.”
Yoochun pushed himself off the floor and was soon running out of the dance studio. Junsu shifted so that he sat cross-legged in the middle of the room.
Moments later, Yoochun ran back wearing the outfit he was supposed to wear for tomorrow’s concert. Junsu noted that Yoochun was the only one who could pull off that style…and many other styles.
“Stand up,” Yoochun pulled Junsu up. “Let’s practice Xiahtic one more time before we head out to buy our late, late dinner.”
Still confused, Junsu did as told. His white T-shirt and sweats didn’t exactly match Yoochun’s outfit, but that didn’t really matter. What mattered was the dance moves…and Yoochun.
When they reached the segment in which they were to dance together, Yoochun spoke in a low voice, “Ask me again.”
“Why purple?” Junsu barely found his voice, realizing how sensual the dance had become.
Yoochun moved closer as they danced. He wrapped an arm around Junsu’s swaying waist and whispered sang into the younger man’s ear.
“Because…” during Xiahtic, “…I really wanna touch myself.”
3. I don't know if Yoochun picked the outfit.
2. Hope you guys get the reference.
1. Thanks for reading! ^___^