Title: Confessions
Pairing: Yoosu
Length: One-shot (993)
Genre: Fluff
Rating: G
Summary: Yoosu's methods of confessing.
It had been another busy day of functions and recording. They were finally home with Jaejoong and Yunho rushing to claim the two bathrooms and Changmin stampeding through the kitchen.
Junsu glanced at Yoochun’s vehicle that was parked in the driveway. Manager-hyung had insisted that Yoochun drive to this house early this morning so that all five of them could reach the conference in one van.
“I guess I should get going,” Yoochun rubbed his tense shoulder.
Junsu would have felt the urge to give Yoochun a massage…if he wasn’t so caught up in being disappointed that Yoochun was leaving. This was the bad thing about being back in Korea: Yoochun didn’t live in the same home.
“Okay, good night,” Junsu smiled, hiding his disappointment.
“By the way, I’ve been picking up on learning some new languages lately.”
“Really?” Junsu showed interest, because a conversation would make Yoochun stay longer.
“Want to hear a phrase I recently learned?”
“‘Anh yêu em’,” Yoochun pronounced carefully.
“What does it mean?” Junsu inquired.
Yoochun only showed off that mindboggling smile of his and said, “I’ll tell you later.”
Without another word, he turned to leave. So much for ‘stay longer’.
It was Jaejoong’s turn for individual photos. Yunho sat in a corner with his PSP and Changmin sat next to him with two bags of snacks. Every once in a while, Changmin would feed a piece of chip to Leader-sshi, who was concentrating on his video game, but was able to chew at the same time.
Junsu casually walked over to sit with Yoochun, finally getting some alone time.
“So what language was your phrase?” Junsu started.
Yoochun looked up from the magazine in his hand. “A new language,” he simply answered.
It wasn’t much of an answer.
“What does the phrase mean?” Junsu tried again.
“It means…‘Mahal kita’ in another language,” Yoochun pronounced.
“Yoochun, it’s your turn!” Jaejoong shouted.
“Coming!” Yoochun shouted back.
“Wait, Chunnie, what does that mean?” Junsu tugged at his sleeve.
“I’ll tell you later,” Yoochun smiled innocently before rushing away.
“Now let’s allow our ears to enjoy a preview of the latest DBSK production!” DJ hyung announced before pressing a button in front of him. The ‘on-air’ light turned off.
Jaejoong and Yunho removed their headphones to stand up and stretch by practicing the dance to their newest song. Changmin took the opportunity to fill his stomach while listening to DJ hyung talk.
Junsu wheeled his chair towards Yoochun, who was stretching in his seat.
“So what does that phrase you said yesterday at the photo shoot mean?” Junsu whispered.
Yoochun smiled lazily, “It means…‘Te amo’ in another language.”
“The preview is almost over. Headphones back on, boys!” DJ hyung announced.
Junsu rushed to ask another question, but Yoochun stopped him with that same innocent, mindboggling smile. “I’ll tell you later.”
“Dinner!” Jaejoong announced. They had been lucky to have their workload end around eight today. With this rare opportunity, came a big dinner from the talented Jaejoong.
Yunho and Changmin were the first to rush to the dining table. Yoochun wanted to follow, but Junsu held him back.
“Aren’t you hungry? If we don’t hurry, Changmin will eat it all!”
“Tell me what your phrase means first,” Junsu insisted.
“It means ‘Saya cinta pada mu’ in…”
“…another language! I know! But what does it mean in a language that I understand?”
Yoochun raised an eyebrow at his younger band-mate. “Are you getting frustrated?”
“What do you think?” Junsu retorted.
Yoochun’s eyes darted towards the kitchen. “I think Changmin has wiped out half of the table! Let’s eat first! I’ll tell you later.”
He jumped up from the sofa and ran into the kitchen.
After filling his stomach, Yoochun ran out of the door to rush home before Junsu could interrogate him any further.
“What does your phrase mean?” Junsu demanded, having Yoochun cornered in the workroom. Yunho and Jaejoong were on some kind of show and Changmin was most likely in the kitchen eating again.
“Wow, you’re getting aggressive.”
“Park Yoochun!” Junsu exclaimed. It was obvious he didn’t get much sleep last night, having been up thinking about the phrase. Unfortunately, he didn’t know the proper spelling of the words to look them up online, nor could he recall the exact pronunciations since Yoochun only spoke the phrase in each new language once.
“Okay, chill. The phrase means…”
“If you throw another language at me, I’m going to tell Changmin that you’re the one who ate his…”
“‘Wo ai ni,’” Yoochun spoke each word carefully.
Junsu stopped talking. The phrase sounded familiar. “Wh…what?”
“‘Wo ai ni’,” Yoochun repeated. “Which means ‘Aishiteru’ in Japanese. Now can you tell me what it means in Korean?”
Junsu blinked in confusion. “‘Aishiteru’ means…’Saranghaeyo’…”
Yoochun smiled. “It’s nice to have you say it to me and understand what you’re saying. Sarangehaeyo, Junsu.”
Junsu blinked again, making confusion seem ever so adorkable. “You mean…”
“That’s my phrase. I’ve been confessing to you all this time. Don’t stand there blinking like an idiot.”
“Confessing…you…to me…all this time…I…um…huh?”
“You’re kinda slow. Yunho hyung was right. One of us needs to confess first and that person ought to be me. If we waited on you to confess, ‘Yoosu’ would never become ‘real’,” Yoochun tilted his head cutely as he continued to enjoy Junsu’s confused expression.
The insult registered just fine. Junsu’s expression turned into a pout. “Not true!”
“It’s true that I confessed first.”
“No! I confessed to you long ago!”
“When?” Yoochun questioned. It was his turn to look confused.
Junsu smirked. “In another language on October 27th of 2008.”
“No way, I’m pretty sure I’ve memorized how to say ‘Saranghaeyo’ in every language possible!”
“Not Kenyan.”
Junsu grinned as he stepped forward to embrace Yoochun. Yoochun could feel the movement of soft lips on his collar bone as Junsu murmured, “Bambaya, Yoochunnie.”
According to the International Unofficial Yoosu/Micah Dictionary:
Bambaya: (phrase) Yoosu is Forever
A/N: Decided to post this because jing brought up 'Bambaya'. Everyone interprets 'Bambaya' differently. What do you guys think it means? I'll stick to 'Yoosu is Forever'. ^____^
Thanks for reading!