yet another fantastic day in the life of mikah.
- accidentally said "ass" during my muscle presentation this morning on the gluteus maximus
- got an A+ on the presentation
- ran around flashing my "ass" poster this morning...it was funny
- i'm getting really good at sight reading
- totally had the easiest spanish exam...didn't study...didn't need to apparently
- my light bulb went off five minutes before i got my chemistry quiz...it was awesome
- i have a B in chem honors
- lunch was fun, aaaaaaaaaaas usual
- citizenship SUCKED! but i prevailed...i kind of hope a certain someone(s) FAIL!!!
- left school early cause i was so mad and went to greg's since he didn't come today
- spent about an hour there listening to tenaticious d (sp?)...soooo funny!!! INWARD SINGING!~!
- almost got hit on my way to the bank (stupid SUV's)
- deposited my paycheckS!
- and...JUSTICE WAS SERVED!~!...so a girl that i REEEEEEEEALLY don't like got pullled over going 35 in a school area (supposed to go 15), and i totally stoped so the cop could pull out to get her....YES!~!
- youth group tonight
- no homework
- greg < heart >