Challenge, With Prizes!

Dec 02, 2008 20:45

Challenge: Write a short fanfic based upon one of the following prompts, any fandom.

Prizes: Grand Prize will consist of a full-color fanart of whatsoever subject the prizewinner shall desire (within reason). Second and Third place winners shall receive fanart based upon winning entries, whose size, subject and amount of colors shall be arbitrarily decided, according to artist whim. Runners-up will receive or not-receive prizes in a random and arbitrary manner. Examples of prize style(s) and quality may be found in the gallery at

Evaluation: Points will be awarded between one and ten in three categories, Creative Use of Prompt, Poignant Response, and Revisitability. Highest three cumulative scoring entries win, with a maximum score being Thirty.

Duration: Challenge will continue until suitable number of entries, entrants has been reached. Fifteen entries, or eight entrants, whichever comes first. Minimum of three entrants.

Requirements: Entry must be based in a legitimate fandom. Entry must have decent length (perhaps the length of a single chapter), prose, not poetry, and preferably consist of some romantic element. Fandom must be specified within entry. Multiple entries are allowed, no limit. Entry must reference, be inspired by, and/or based on one of the five prompts below.

  1. Only the skilled may live - the rest will die.
  2. What is the speed of darkness?
  3. Passion is no excuse.
  4. A single match
  5. Every book he owns tells him...

Feel free to post links to entries in comments.

contest, fanfiction, challenge

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