I suppose you all noticed I've been away. Well, again. This time not because I don't have enough time (well, I don't) but because I sincerely don't know what to say. I'm a little lazy. Not even watching my normal tv shows I've been watching (only some of them).
I re-started reading the Sookie Stackhouse Novels. Right now I'm reading Dead as a Doornail. Definitely all characters are much better on the books. And it's so good 'cause I can totally forget Bill even exists, as he is usually away ^_^. (yeah, I don't like Bill...even though he's much better on the books) I don't understand why they have to make him appear so much on True Blood.
And I bought two Patricia Briggs books. I had read Moon Called on January, so now I decided to buy the next two books.
On tv I've been watching (actualy on computer as I download everything) Caprica (totally in love with it), The Good Wife (Alicia and Will are my OTP ^_^), Sports Night (yeah, finally started watching it. I love, love, love the series, but I confess I don't understand very much of anything) and LOST (and I do like this season pace). But I'm also downloading a lot of movies. Not having time to watch them though :-(
Actually I wrote this post two weeks ago, but the internet ate my post and today I don't know why when I clicked on 'post button' Live Journal restored my draft. Don't know why, don't know how, but as I hadn't posted anything since that time (when internet made me really angry) I decided to at least post my text.
Why I opened Live Journal today? Well, I was listening to The Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir and this music is incredibly great. It's heresy, but the beginning made me remember Terminator and suddenly I missed Kyle Reese and Sarah Connor. (actually I missed John and Cameron every single day, but at this moment, I missed movie Kyle and Sarah).
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