Feb 14, 2005 01:55
Hello all it's me again. I was sitting at home and I started to think........this is the last time that I will ever live with my parents. I have taken everything into consideration and quite frankly I have never been so scared about anything in my life thus far. I have a life that is very posh to me. I want and need nothing that I don't already have except for well, independence. This time around I have decided to finally cut thee umbilical cord and finally go at it......ALONE. Alot of you may think that I should have already have started this voyage, but I haven't.
Like I have said sooo many times before I have an agenda and well if I'm going to get that "agenda" rolling I must proceed. My grandmother always told me as a little kid "a thousand mile journey begins with a single step". I think of that constantly. I have learned soo much about myself and well i'm ready to go. I refuse to come back to this little ol' town where everybody knows my name. But as I said early on I am scared I never have made up my mind to make such a huge decision.
I feel as if I'm jumping off a bridge and praying that GOD gives me wings to save myself before I land. I don't know what the future hold's for me but I do know myself. I will put all things to the side that try to grab my ankles and bring me down. I WILL NOT allow any drama (I need to find a new word for drama) to surface on my way to where I'm going. Where am I going? I dunno yet I just hope it's not into section eight housing....