Unimportant Goals

Mar 20, 2007 11:33

I finally beat a Wii game this weekend, Rayman: Raving Rabbids. While it’s a fun game, the ending isn’t all that it could be. I’m still glad that I beat it thought, since it seems that I rarely finish anything trivial or unimportant nowadays.

So, here is my list of unimportant goals that I plan to finish this year. While it will only slightly bug me if I don’t actually complete these goals (as opposed to important life goals, like getting my doctorate (although it seems like I’ll be getting a professional doctorate instead of a research doctorate), getting married and having kids which I’ll be much more than bugged if I don’t do), I still hope to complete them just so I can cross them off this list.

* Finish reading Neal Stephenson’s System of the World
* Beat The Matrix: Path of Neo for PS2 (Yeah, it’s not the best game but I spent money on it)
* Beat FFVII: Dirge of Cerebrus
* Beat FFXII
* Beat Lego Star Wars and Lego Star Wars 2 (Yes, there a lot of video games on my list but I WILL beat them)
* Beat Zelda: Twilight Princess
* Beat Trauma Center: Second Opinion

And that’s about all I can think of right now. Gee, 1 book and 7 videogames that I want to finish. Hmm. I think I need something else that’s pretty trivial but does not involve me sitting on a couch with a video game controller in hand.

* Present the Science in Anime: Now With More Science panel as a successful follow-up to last years Science in Anime panel, with the secondary goal of thinking of a better subtitle than Now With More Science.
* Finish my ReadorDie.us project (this includes the associated wiki) so that it’s something I’m actually proud of instead of thinking, “why am I wasting my time with this? It sucks and no one cares.”

OK, so now I have to goals are trivial that don’t involve a video game controller although they still involve sitting on my ass.

Now I just need to figure out the intermediate list between my trivial goals and my life goals. Hmm, what would I even call that? All I know is that it would involve the neat trips I want to take (1 continent left baby!) and things I want to be able to say that I’ve done (although I have already done a hell of a lot so really, what else do I want to be able to say that I’ve done?)

OK, for the very few people who read this (and the even fewer who care), what are your trivial goals lists? (Yes, I am making an internet meme, and a crappy internet meme at that but who cares)
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