Oct 10, 2006 16:48
Well, it’s been several months but I finally got a chance to get back to Lancaster and see people there. Of course, there was a lot of business to take care of as well.
All Night Anime, the event that Andrew Yager and I created has been copied, resulting in All Night Gaming. This annoyed me greatly, as I get enough of my Intellectual Property gets taken away from me at work, so I don’t want to deal with it in my personal life. However, after talking with Shigeki, the new head of Gaming Society, we agreed that I would get have the profits of the event so I’m happy enough now (Yes, there are no profits. It’s a joke).
Sunday Morning was the Crew Team Alumni brunch, which was also when the Crew Team had its official “We Are Now Varsity (It’s About Time)” Party. Of course, while it was fun to catch up with Colip, Appel, Stef Landsman, Laura Abernathy and even Ron, it did have the unfortunate side-effect of having me donate $500 to the team.
I’m not sure why exactly I did it. Maybe I wanted to give something back, in a way that I couldn’t before. Maybe I just wanted to show off, to give the team a large sum of money just to show that I could. I guess it doesn’t really matter but the team was very appreciative and I do feel good about it (although my accountant wasn’t the happiest person ever after I told him).
Gaming Society also got it’s share ($50) and yes, even Anime Club got some, in the form of me paying for food at the All Afternoon Action (It wasn’t at night) event that Louis and I hosted on Saturday. I do plan on giving me as I am getting rid of some of my DVDs soon (and yes, it’s good stuff) and the Anime Club will be getting those.
I guess this is the season of giving for me (it does fit with the Rosh Hashanah/Yom Kippur holiday that has just past by) since I also gave some money to a Clean Water PAC group some days ago. However, if I plan on having any savings left, I should probably stop doing that for the rest of the year.
So, anyway, Alumni weekend was fun, if expensive.
(Note to Self: Louis owes me $50, I owe Louis his FF7 game and his PS1 memory card).