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Jul 10, 2006 02:56

So its been freakin forever since I updated this thing and I thought I should since stuff has actually happened. Well my graduation request went through for TCC so, upon completion of my 3 summer classes, I will offically have my Associates degree. Horray! Now we are finally getting somewhere with this who academic thing. So when ODU finally makes their transfer decisions (which is really geting kinda late) then I will be attending a "real" school come fall. YAY!!!! And someday I will have a real degree and perhaps a job related to my field of choice. w00t!

My Dad's retirment finally became offical on the 1st of July. We were sweating it for a little while waiting for job offers, but he now has a job working for a company which I forget the name of but you would recognize if I told you. He will be working with the Navy/military to develop antiterrorism tactics. Thats the general desciption anyway. He went into detail about it with me the other day, but I seem to be having a hard time retaining the knowledge. Anyway, the important thing is that he has a job and he is happy with that, so we aren't going to have to eat jay or throw him out or anything. We had a big backyard retirment shindig for him the last weekend in June in leiu of a ceremony. It was super fun, and I saw people that I haven't seen in YEARS!!! As a contibution to the party, my sissy and bro and I went through ALL the family photos we own to pick out about 70 some phtots of my dad throughout his life. It was really fascinating. I found this picture I LOVE of him when he was in his 20's. He's in northern California at Yellowstone standing by his little red mustang, surrounded by redwoods. Its a perfect picture. Very nostalgic. So after we picked out the pictures we took this platic stick things like they have in flower boquets for cards and we stuck them in all the flower arrangments. It was a big hit.

Pavel is coming to visit this weekend! Horray!! It should be super happy fun time. He;s actually coming to visit jay...EVERBODY comes over to see jay....nobody loves me...*sniffles*. So far our plans consist of eating...lots of eating. We have so many resturants to go to and so little money to do it with. I'm going to try to take him down to the outerbanks for an afternoon/evening since he never made it down there while he lived here. But ya, other than that we're just going to get fat and gossip about our lives. Fun shizznit!

Lets see, what else. I am still working at the aquarium. I have kinda come to the conclusiont hat I won't keep this particular job into the next semester. I will wait until I find a new one because I definetly like having money again, but ya. Its just that I am getting paid less than $6 an hour and its just not worht it. This coming semester is going to be the toughest yet and i don't want to spend my extra time at a job that dosen't compensate me for using my study time. That and it costs me too much to drive all the ay out to the beach. At least a third or more of my paychck has gone to gas, and I just don't make that much. So ya. Hopefully I can find a job that will fit into my schedule.

So the big news that most people want to know about. I am dating someone right now. He's a guy (I know right). He's in the navy (I KNOW right?). And we met at a lesbian bar (I KNOW RIGHT?!). His name is Andrew and he is a friend of Melissa and Denise. We met one night at the Hershee bar, and a few days later I added him on myspace and then he messaged me with his number, to which of course I messgaed him back with my number because I am totally phone shy. He called and we went to see Superman together. I actually was unaware that we were on a date at first until he handed me a box of godiva choclate covered strawberries. Then I was like "oh......OOOOH!". And we kinda just hit it off from there. Our big connection had been an interest in sci-fi. He has introduced me to the sci-fi channel's Battlestar Galatica, which I had previously written off but now I love. I wouldn't say we are serious yet, we've only been together for a week for goodness sakes, but things are thus far great. He rox my sox!!

So thats all the news thats fit to print, or at least I care to print anyway. I am too tired to spell check so deal with it. Sweet dreams and super fuzzy kittiness!
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