Mar 06, 2006 16:07
first Name: Maria
Single or Taken: taken
sex: Female
Birthdate: November 7, 1983
Nationality: American, but Italian and Polish heritage
Eye color: browned-eyed girl, hence my ringtone
height: 5'8"
What are you wearing right now? long-sleeved navy blue IU shirt and jeans
Righty or lefty: Lefty
Can you make a dollar in change right now: probably not, I'm broke
Do you have a BF or Gf: I guess you could consider Tony a boy...
Do you like someone: no, I hate everyone
Best place to go for a date: anyplace that I can get ice cream after
Favorite place to shop: used bookstores and Old Navy
Favorite kind of pants: jeans
Color(s): Green and light blue
Number: 7
Drink: Diet Coke and cafe con lo echo de menos mucho
Sport: basketball
Fast-Food Place: strictly fast food? Steak and Shake I guess
Month: September
Movie(s): I can't even attempt to answer
Juice: orange
Breakfast: donuts from Paul Bunyan's in Wisconsin
Have you ever
Smoked Pot: I plead the 5th since I'm still in the running for the OSC job
Bungee jumped? no
made yourself throw up? no, but there have been many times I was glad I threw up
eaten a hot dog: come on, even vegetarians have at least tried hot dogs
Stuck your tongue on a cold pole: I'm not stupid
Broken a bone: ankle
Been in a police car: not that I remember
Been in a sauna: oh yeah
been in a hot tub: yes, and I will be in one this weekend :)
Swam in the ocean: yes
Fallen asleep in school: I don't think so
Ran away?: I tried to, but the threat didn't get any attention and I got lazy
Broken someone's heart: not that I know of
Cried in school: of course, I'm a wuss
Fallen off your chair: I'm also a klutz
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call? (tiny voice) yes
saved emails: yes
been cheated on? hopefully no
What is...
Your biggest superstition: Don't really have one, although I sort of believe in the Italian tradition that bad things come in threes
Your good luck charm: don't have one
what does ur room look like? like my closet exploded
Last thing you said: see you later
What is beside you: a wall
What kind of shampoo do you use? Dove and some Suave stuff
Best thing that has happened this year: I've been really lucky and I can't pick just one thing
Worst thing that has happened this year? That I graduate in May :/
Have you had...
Chicken pox: Yeah
sore throat: Yup
stitches? nope
Broken nose: nope, but I have done almost everything else to my body...Miranda has funny pictures to prove it
Do You
Believe in love at first sight: Not really
Like school: yes, that's why I'm sad to graduate
Would you/what is
Eat a live hamster for $1,000,000. dollars? maybe...could I break it's neck right before I eat it?
Who was the last person that called you? that called me? The only person that ever calls me: Tony
Do you/Are You:
Do you like yourself: for the most part
Do you like filling these things out: only when bored or procrastinating...guess what I am right now
Do you get along with your family? usually
Do you steal anything over $50: I've never consciously stolen anything
Obsessive: only about my grades
Anorexic?: hahahahahahaha, good one
Suicidal?: right...
This or That?
Skiing or Boarding: skiiing, although I always fall on my ass
fall or winter: fall
silver or gold: silver
Diamonds or pearls?: both
sunrise or sunset: sunset
Orange juice or apple juice: orange juice
Cats or dogs: dogs
Phone or in person: in person
Indoor or Outdoors? outdoors if it's not too hot/cold
Final questions
What are you doing right now: waiting to go to my core class at the SRSC
What are you listening to right now: Green Day
What did you do yesterday? homework, had dinner with Tony, Daniel and their dad, watched the Oscars with my lovers
Are you a good driver? I'm a nervous driver
Are you a good Singer: clearly not...if Tony and I ever had kids they would be the worst singers in the world
What do you dream about? zombies...seriously, that's my most common nightmare