Jan 27, 2007 19:30
T-Minus 48 hours until the NY trip!
I spent most of today washing clothes and packing.
I think I am 100 percent packed with room for shopping (yessss)
not sure what I'm doing for dinner those nights :/
I think the boys know I'm going away. they always get extra huggy when they see the luggage out.
I need to go to the record store tomorrow and pick up my boxed set copy of "hit parade"
Arrhhh 3 days of wella!
he's doing a signing/performance tomorrow at the virgin mega store in NYC.
I wont be there *sigh*
Michael's having fun in MN. he's did 5 hours of shopping.
he'll get back into winnipeg tomorrow around 6 or so.
and super shuttle picks me up around 530AM on Monday morning.
pps in my usual hurting myself before a business trip
ive brusied my ribs and my right arm.