Австралийский язык: sambo

May 23, 2020 20:40

Sambo - 1. A sandwich [alternation of sand(wich) + -O]. 2. Australian salmon [alternation of salm(on) + -O].

Replace the chicken with a piece of freshly cooked beef fillet for a satisfying steak sambo (Canberra Times, 2014, 11 Jan. [Panorama Suppl.], 24/2). While scientists knew sambos travelled as far south as Hopetoun, they were surprised at the speed of transit (West Australian [Perth], 2005, 24 Sept. [Motoring Suppl.], 39/4).

Запись опубликована в блоге "Записки лингвиста": https://khvorostin.com/word-of-the-day/australianisms-sambo/

английский язык, австралианизмы, значениe

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