I didn't know who Londer After Midnight were before discovering them on myspace today, by I love the lead singers stance on veganism/vegetarianism. It's fantastic when people stand up for what they beleive in instead of the wishy washy "oh, people can eat whatever they want, I don't care." Well I do. It sickens me, willful ignorance. But I have to pretend not to care around Dan, and pretend that he doesnt eat meat, because when I do think of it it sickens me. The reason i have never shown him a slaughter house video is if I did, and he didn't care, I would break up with him immediately. Fine if someone has never thought about it because they were brought up that way. But once youve been exposed to the truth and willfully ignore it for your own sense pleasure, then you are truly a selfish ignorant fool. I was going to say fuck. That how I feel on the matter.
"I have been a vegan for most of my life for a variety of reasons, all of which are sound and valid reasons that should convince any rational person to switch to a vegan diet. But sometimes people don't want to hear the scientific, environmental or humanitarian reasons why a vegan diet is better for the planet and themselves (not to mention the animals). So opening those people's eyes to the basic reality and horror of the meat industry is the only course of action, as most people are ignorant of this aspect, or chose to ignore it. Anyone who eats meat or consumes dairy products must watch this video. If you do not watch this video yet continue eating meat, then you are no better than a person who, for example, votes for George Bush (or supports another horrible person/institution/practice) without knowing or ignoring the facts- someone who simply refuses to investigate the ramifications of their actions (and anyone who knows the facts about Bush would not support him). In other words, people who consume animal products (or make decisions on politics, etc) without knowing the facts, without being informed, are fully responsible for the consequences of those actions, even the negative ones. For example, since 120,000 innocent Iraqis have been killed in Iraq since Bush's war began, who do we blame if not the people who handed Bush power and cheered on his bogus war? If people support the meat industry, they support brutal, harmful, wasteful and unnecessary cruelty towards animals and towards poor people in developing countries as well whose natural resources are wasted to nations like the US can farm meat for food (just like when people support Bush/republicans they support corruption, racism and brutality). Knowledge is power. I am simply asking you to KNOW what the meat/dairy industry is all about before you support it. Watch this short video or admit that you do not care about unimaginable violence committed towards animals. " - Sean Brennan
video is here