w00t New Years!

Dec 30, 2006 01:42

So, I'll be going to Cologne tomorrow to see sanshin again (finally) and celebrate New Years with her and some other people I do not know, but hey Cologne, Köln, KÖÖÖLN, I like the city, love the dome and I'm so excited to see it again, also HELLO SANNÜ, I HAVEN'T SEEN YOU IN FAR TOO LONG. Too bad I only got to see three furikus this year (well, Jolü has been avoiding us forever and ever *glares*) and Tati only for a day.

Anyway I'm procrastinating when I should be cleaning and packing and playing Super Mario World on my computer when I shouldn't (Yoshi keeps dying and I keep bashing my head against the desk ._. ).

Well, Sannü doesn't really have internet at her place so I'll be offline till the 3.1.07

See you next year (... I've been wanting to type that forever), have fun on New Years und wie's auf Deutsch so schön heisst: Guten Rutsch aber rutscht nich' zu weit, ne?

Love you guys.


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