things to expand upon.

Mar 22, 2010 13:09

Some snippets of dialogue from conversations I've had in the last two weeks.

  • CASE ONE: Oral exam (bagrut) about the Art project, last Wednesday (17/3). Includes viewing my art portfolio and defending the project itself.

    MIARR: ...and yeah, the lighting isn't so good, but it was a last-minute thing. Anyway, so that's the project.
    TESTER: I see.
    MIARR: And... what do you think?
    TESTER: I think that when you finish the army, your mother will tell you to go study Biology, because that's what mothers do, but you shouldn't listen to her. Go into art professionally. You can really make it there.
    MIARR: W-Wow! I - really? Thank you!
    TESTER: With absolute honesty. You have incredible technique.
    MIARR: :D :D :D


    MIARR: (on the phone) ...and she said not to listen to you and that I should go into art professionally!
    MUM: But I don't want you to learn Biology in the first place.
    MIARR: Uh. You don't?
    MUM: Not particularly.
    MIARR: ...oh.
    MUM: Sorry.
    MIARR: But she said that's what mothers do!
    MUM: Want to know what else mothers do?
    MIARR: What?
    MUM: (sweetly) Have you folded the laundry yet?
    MIARR: Shit.

  • CASE TWO: Oral exam (bagrut) about my finals project (yes yes, the one you have all read and proofread and suffered me blithering about), last Thursday (18/3). Supposed to be 20-40 minutes of defending the project and, in my case, proving I was the one who wrote it in the first place.

    MUM: Okay, she's probably going to nitpick with you, but just bear with it, okay?
    MIARR: (nervous) What if she thinks I didn't write it?
    MUM: But you did write it.
    MIARR: But that doesn't mean anything to the Ministry of Education! /o\


    MIARR: (walking out of the examination room with the TESTER) I was just binge-reading, you know how you're reading something and then there's a link in the text and you have to press it-
    TESTER: Oh, I know that! Oh goodness, that happens to me all the time.
    MIARR: It's the plague of the internet!
    MUM: Excuse me, where are you two going?
    TESTER: Oh, we're going up to my house. Your daughter was talking about the copyright on the works of James Joyce, and myself being a Hemingway scholar, I deeply sympathize. Renewed copyrights are of the devil. So I promised I'd lend her my copy of The Selected Letters of James Joyce.
    MUM: O_o
    MIARR: Well, it's something of a trade; I gave her links to Google Books and Gigapedia.
    MUM: o_O
    TESTER: I can understand you not wanting to part with your daughter, madam, she is wonderful. We'll be back in two shakes of a lamb's tail. Anyway, so you were saying about binge-reading...


    MIARR: (gets in the car) Bye!
    TESTER: Goodbye! Please keep in touch! (waves)
    MUM: I don't even know what to say.
    MIARR: (holds up Selected Letters and A Biography of Nora Joyce) She also offered me Dubliners, but I already have it.
    MUM: I'm fairly certain this is not normal.
    MIARR: Well, she gave me her business card with the home and email addresses on it, so I'll mail the books back once I'm through with them. She's so nice! She said she'd love to keep in touch and to please write to her my thoughts about the books.
    MUM: I'm guessing you're getting a 100/100?
    MIARR: (airily) I'd say it's a possibility.

  • CASE THREE: Asking out my new boyfriend, K (12/3). I realize I hadn't written about the breakup from my old one, which happened some time ago, but uh. I was single for the last six weeks or so. K and I know each other for four years, and he's made advances on several occasions; it just took me a while to wake up and realize how amazing he is. AND MAN, HE IS AMAZING. ♥

    MIARR: (lying on the grass with K) So.... um.
    K: (rolls up on elbows) Hm?
    MIARR: (pokes him in the chest) So... I want you to know that your answer won't change the fact you're a brilliant friend to me.
    K: ...
    MIARR: And, um. Okay, now you know what I'm going to say, but I'm going to say it anyway, so suck it up. (pause) Wanna be my boyfriend?
    K: Woah. Okay. I... I believe in absolute honesty, and I want to say - oh, fuck this, the short answer is yes.
    MIARR: Yes!
    K: Yes.
    MIARR: Splendid!
    K: Yes!
    MIARR: Yes!
    K: Finally!
    MIARR: Kiss me now?
    K: Yes.
  • testinnngngh, k gets his own tag, winning at life, into the matrix, school of cock

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