an interlude between medication.

Mar 02, 2010 18:35

Things wot are happening right now:
  • I have sent three out of my four paintings to be framed! This leaves only one for me to draw. The deadline is March 11-and then, my art project can be revealed! → GOOD.

  • I have come down with the flu. You know how one morning you just wake up sore, with your bones all aching and your skin all hurting and over-sensitized and your throat raw and you just want to sleep forever? Yup, that kind of flu. You know me, flist, you know I usually operate on 100% ~DAZZLING~, and this one just knocked me right to zero. → BAD.

  • pouikee outed herself as a secret socialist! AHAHAHA omg ilu, pou, even if you shall never become president. → GOOD.

  • I was reunited with jtsnoa today on the comment thread of roga's brilliant fic, Masquerade: The Whole Megillah. WHAT ARE THE CHANCES, YOU GUYS. :O Also consider this a rec to the fic, which is, hands-down, the best of this year's purimgifts submissions. → GOOD.

  • Speaking of purimgifts, the authors have been unveiled! I wrote three fics, all Good Oments/Old Testament crossovers, which can be found here (or on AO3). lukadron, whose life is one continuous Crowning Moment of Awesome, drew the beautiful art. ♥

    Even more importantly, however, I received three fics of my own! Written by seekingferret, they are: He shall build a house for My name (Talmudic folklore omg), Behold, he cometh forth to meet thee (Old Testament), and The Final Message (Hitchhiker's Guide). All the theology geeks on my flist, go and read the first two RIGHT NOW (teh_elb, I'm looking at you); the author is so smart and knowledgeable, it is simply awe-inspiring. And anyone who has ever engaged a) Jews, b) Douglas Adams books, c) life, the universe, & everything, should go read the third. AHHH YOU GUYS, I AM SO LUCKY. \o/

    Conclusion → EXCELLENT.

    RANDOM ETA: You guys, I am sitting at my kitchen table writing up some homework for PolSci class, and there are fucking weird sounds coming from the corner behind the fridge. It sounds kind of like... drainage gurgling? Cauldrons bubbling? Frogs making happy sounds? It is either our fridge or our neighbour's defunct sewage or, well, actual wildlife. I know I live in a kibbutz (which some people equate with The Outback) but this is the first time I've suspected amphibians in our walls. WHUT.

lukadron, into the matrix, recs, amazingness max, jtsnoa, roga, sick like a sick thing, purim

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