I keep on torturing myself with art nouveau ditherings, for reasons unbeknownst even to me. This probably started as another Fitz/Fool thing, but morphed into something completely different, therefore it is nothing definitive anymore. One thing I have learned, and the moral of this story is that I will never draw hair ever again.
Dedicated to
sivullinen, on charges of gratuitous awesomeness. :D
And the Lord spake unto
miarr and said, Lo! Thou shalt waste much time tinkering with Photoshop. And
miarr replied, saying, As if I needed prompting, you daft old bugger.
It's the virgin black-and-white piece, for maximum art nouveau effect. I guess I couldn't bear to ruin the hair with color...
...Yet nevertheless, I did. Prettier, colored piece, in which I proved to myself that the only thing worse than drawing all that hair is actually filling it in. I have a sneaking suspicion that the color scheme is, to use a gaming analogy, the artistic equivalent of button-mashing. :D I'm surprisingly unperturbed by the fact.
Art, characters, and all related concepts © Ella Barzilai, all rights reserved, etc. Steal and your fate shall be melodramatic and anatomically unsound! Ahem.