
Dec 23, 2008 23:17

Given everything that my beloved seanpatfannon and his family have been through in recent weeks, I cannot permit myself to go to GAFilk and, in so doing, miss his father's memorial service. The whole of the family has been entirely too welcoming and loving for me to allow such selfishness on my part. So, I will skip the twisted musical fun this year (and try to hit a housefilk or two perhaps during the year), will attempt to get together with quadrivium and see if she would pretty please take the scads of books I promised to autographedcat to him for me, and will go into a church for the first time in MANY years to honour the spirit of Charlie Fannon.

Next year, however, Sean's getting dragged to GAFilk with me (but only if I can cultivate an interest for him between now and then).

I love this man and his family (yes, already them too) and so wish that there were something more I could do to help ease their pain at the loss of a husband and father. Please, friends, keep them in your thoughts.
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