WHEW! sigh of relief

Sep 27, 2008 02:10

Financial woes look like they may be coming to a close. There is a VERY hard nibble with at the house I'm trying to sell (a friend of a friend is looking for one specifically to remodel!) and a family of friends is interested in renting the house I've had the longest. If I can sell the one and rent the other, that will free up both payments and I will finally be able to catch up on and perhaps even pay off my student loans and credit cards. And, as my current home is paid off, I'll only have utilities and car payment and insurance. OH! That would/will be grand! This will enable me to maybe even *gasp* SAVE some. I might even be able to start gaming again (gas prices have kept me from my gaming group since just after Dragon*Con).
Doing a mental happy dance at the thought of all of this. Given what I'm willing to accept on the for sale house (which is both WAY under appraisal and a bit more than I owe) and the amount of interest that the friend of a friend has expressed, that looks to be about an 85% sure thing and the family of dear friends wanting to rent the other one are wanting to do so immediately, so the mental happy dance is not really all that premature.
Add to the houses stuff that the fellow I used to hire to mow my field just dropped by today to offer to do it for free some time next week, and I've had a really frimpin' good day. Only bad part is that I mayn't go to sleep for another hour because that is when (due to a late start) I'm scheduled to have my last of 6 minimeals for the day. Not complaining about the 6 minimeals, just about my own foolishness in getting up so darn late. I wouldn't dare gripe about those minimeals because, in the 2.5 weeks I've been on them I've gotten rid of (never say you've "lost" weight, lest it decide to find you again) 8 lbs and counting.
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